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EAA Membership

is open to all professional archaeologists, students of archaeology, and retired archaeologists, as well as interested members of the public. By signing up for membership, a Member agrees to adhere to EAA Statutes, Codes of Practice and EAA Principles. EAA membership is per calendar year.

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Annual Meetings

The EAA Annual Meetings are the highlight of the EAA year, bringing together colleagues from all over the world to discuss important issues in research, heritage management and commercial practice, ethics and theory, and the newest results of fieldwork. With over 2,000 delegates and more than 150 sessions, the EAA Annual Meetings have grown to be an essential event on European archaeological scene.

The omnipresent friendly atmosphere and lively social programme provide excellent opportunities for networking. Each Annual Meeting has its own character, not least in reflection of the national or local character of the venue.

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There are more than twenty Communities in the EAA.



We publish newsletter, our own journal, monograph series and also online series.



In cooperation with the OMF, we award five prizes.



There are no records.

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